1988P – 1DEO Files

1988P-1DEO-001T                                   180º

DESCRIPTION: Trail lines are seen from the bottom of the letters in LIBERTY. The offset direction of the lines is 180 degrees.

DIE MARKERS: Stage “C”, obverse is LDS – none noted.

Reverse is LDS – die crack from the rim into the left base tip and moving up towards the stylobate. Die crack from the rim into the right base tip and moving along the base line.

NOTES: This die was found by Louis Schaeffer.


1988P-1DEO-002T                                   340º

DESCRIPTION: Trail lines are seen from the top left corners on the letters of LIBERTY. The offset direction is 340 degrees.

DIE MARKERS: Stage “C” – obverse die is LDS – a small die dot is seen between the G and O of GOD. A die gouge is seen between the R and U of TRUST.

Reverse die is LDS – none noted.

NOTE: This die was found by Louis Schaeffer.


1988P-1DEO-003T                                  300º

DESCRIPTION: Trail lines are seen on the TRUS of TRUST. The offset direction is 300 degrees.

DIE MARKERS: Stage “A”, obverse is EDS – die scratches are seen between the 9 and 8 of the date.

Reverse is EDS – none noted.

NOTE: This die was found by Jean Lee.


1988P-1DEO-004T                                    300º

DESCRIPTION: Trail lines are seen from the top left corners of the letters in LIBERTY. The offset direction is 300 degrees.

DIE MARKERS: Stage “A”, obverse is EDS – none noted.

Reverse is LDS- very heavy die scratching is seen on the entire reverse surface. This was preformed to remove a die clash, which can be seen still in bays 3 and 8.


1988P-1DEO-005T                                    190º

DESCRIPTION:  Trail lines are seen from the bottom of the LIB of LIBERTY. The offset direction is 190 degrees.

DIE MARKERS: Stage “A “, obverse is EDS – none noted

Reverse is EDS – a die dot is seen in the upper part of the N in ONE. A small die gouge is seen over the second shrub on the right side of the Memorial building.

NOTE: This die was found by Aisha Shahid.


 1988P-1DEO-006T                        120º, 300°

DESCRIPTION: Trail lines are seen from the letters in TRUST and reciprocally in the RTY of LIBERTY.  The trail lines from TRUST have an offset direction of 300°, while the trail lines from the RTY of LIBERTY have an offset direction of 120°. This die is also in combination with 1988P-1WHDER-001 and 1988P-1DER-012WST

DIE MARKERS: Stage “A “, obverse is EDS – none noted

Reverse is EDS – small die gouges are seen below the last S of STATES and the E of ONE.

NOTE: This die was found by Cal Goddard.


1988P-1DEO-007T                        330º

DESCRIPTION:  Trail lines are seen from the word IN. The offset direction is 330°. This die is in combination with 1988P-1WHDER-001 and 1988P-1DER-013T.

DIE MARKERS: Stage “A“, obverse is EDS – die scratching is seen coming off Lincoln’s bow tie and under his chin.

Reverse is EDS – a die gouge is seen just to the left of the first S in STATES.

NOTE: This die was found by Cal Goddard.


1988P-1DEO-008T                                   250º

DESCRIPTION: Trail lines are seen from the bottom of the first two digits of the date (19). The offset direction is 250°. This die is in combination with 1998P-1WHDER-001

DIE MARKERS: Stage “A“, obverse is EDS – none noted

Reverse is EDS – light die scratching can be seen around the ST of STATES. A die gouge is seen to the bottom left of the T in CENT.

NOTE: This die was found by Cal Goddard.


 1988P-1DEO-009T                                       000º

DESCRIPTION: Trail lines are seen from the tops of the letters in LIBERTY and also on the date. The offset direction is 000°

DIE MARKERS: Stage “A “, obverse is EDS – none noted

Reverse is EDS – a die chip is seen on the bottom stair line of the Memorial building under the left URN

NOTE: This die was found by Cal Goddard.

1988P-1DEO-010T                                              330°

IMG_4907 copy

DESCRIPTION: Trail lines are seen from the tops of the letters in the word LIBERTY. The offset direction is 330°.

IMG_4906 copyIMG_4908 copy

DIE MARKERS: Stage “B“, obverse is MDS – a die crack is seen between the I and N of IN.

Reverse is MDS – a small die gouge is seen on the inside of the U in UNITED.


NOTE: This die was found by Joe Koelling.