1997P – 1DER; 031 – 040 Files
1997P-1DER-031WS 180°
DESCRIPTION: Moderate step deviation is seen under columns 5. 6. 7 and 8, with emphasis on the left side.
DIE MARKERS: Stage “B”, obverse is MDS – none noted
Reverse is MDS – die dot over the U in PLURIBUS. Die damage next to the left lower side of the Memorial building. Die dot under the left base line.
NOTE: Die was found by Joshua Haynes of Alabama.
1997P-1DER-032T 060°
DESCRIPTION: Moderate trail lines are seen on the E of STATES, the top right corners of the letters in EPU and the top of the left URN. The offset direction is 060º. Stage “A” shows stronger trail lines form the tops of the EPU and TE of STATES. Also seen are trail lines from the bottom of the NT of CENT.
DIE MARKERS: Stage “B”, obverse is MDS -a small die dot is seen next to the rim between the TR of TRUST.
Reverse is MDS – none noted
Stage “C”, obverse is LDS – none noted.
Reverse is LDS – die break on the first U of UNUM. Die scratch through the C of CENT.
NOTE: Die was found by Joseph Koelling of North Carolina. Stage “B” found by Jeremy Gardner.
1997P-1DER-033T 330°
DESCRIPTION: Trail lines can be seen from the tops of the letters in EPU. The offset direction is 330 degrees.
DIE MARKERS: Stage “B”, obverse is MDS – die scratching is seen through LIBERTY.
Reverse is MDS – die clashes can be seen in bays 3, 8 and 9. Die scratch from the top of the left urn.
NOTE: This die was found by Joshua Haynes.
1997P-1DER-034T 030°
DESCRIPTION: Trail lines can be seen from the tops of the letters in E PL and the U of the motto. The offset direction is 030 degrees.
DIE MARKERS: Stage “B”, Obverse is MDS – Two die gouges in the field above LIBERTY.
Reverse is MDS – A die scratch between OF and AMERICA.
NOTE: This die was found by Bob Piazza.
1997P-1DER-035WS 180°
DESCRIPTION: Moderate fluting line extension is seen entering into the stylobate under columns 2 and 3. Light to moderate step deviation is seen under columns 5, 6, 7 and 8. The offset direction is 180 degrees.
DIE MARKERS: Stage “D”, obverse is VLDS – two die gouges, under and to the right of the E in WE.
Reverse is VLDS – a heavy metal flow line to the right of the C in AMERICA. Small die gouges between column 12 and the last A in AMERICA.
NOTE: This die was found by Louis Schaeffer.
1997P-1DER-036T 330°
DESCRIPTION: Moderate trail lines are seen form the top left corners of the letters in EPU. Also seen are extensions from the scrolling on the right cornice. The offset direction is 330 degrees.
DIE MARKERS: Stage “B”, obverse is MDS – none noted.
Reverse is MDS – heavy die scratches are seen above the designer’s initials.
Lighter die scratching is seen in bay 12.
NOTE: This die was found by Louis Schaeffer.
1997P-1DER-037T 260°
DESCRIPTION: Trail lines are seen from the lower left corners of the letters in the EPU. Also seen are trails on the letters of STATES, the NITED of UNITED, the NE of ONE and the EN of CENT. The offset direction is 260 degrees.
DIE MARKERS: Stage “B”, obverse is MDS – die scratches are seen below the date.
Reverse is MDS – a die scrape is seen to the right of the T in CENT. Die scratches are seen through the word CENT and UNUM.
NOTE: This die was found by Jean Lee.
1997P-1DER-038WS 190°
DESCRIPTION: Fluting line extension is seen under columns 2 and 3. Moderate step deviation is seen under columns 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9. The offset direction is 190 degrees.
DIE MARKERS: Stage “B”, obverse is MDS – a die dot is seen under the right leg of the R in LIBERTY.
Reverse is MDS – die damage is seen under the left shrubs.
NOTE: This die was found by Louis Schaeffer.
1997P-1DER-039T 060°
DESCRIPTION; Light trail lines are seen from the top right corners of the letters on the left side of the EPU. Also seen is a trail line from the top of the left URN. A second set of lines does appear on this die, however, they are formed by die deterioration and do give the appearance of trails. The offset direction is 060 degrees.
DIE MARKERS: Stage “C”, obverse is VLDS – a small die gouge is seen to the bottom right of the last 9 digit in the date.
Reverse is VLDS – a die clash is seen in bay 9.
NOTE: This die was found by Jeremy Gardner .
1997P-1DER-040T 330°
DESCRIPTION: Light trail lines are seen from the tops of the letters in EPU and the left top corners of the columns. The offset directions 330 degrees.
DIE MARKERS: Stage “C”, obverse is LDS – die deterioration lines can be seen near the L of LIBERTY. A small die gouge can be seen to the bottom right of the last 9 in the date.
Reverse is LDS – a series of small die gouges can be seen under the CA of AMERICA.
NOTE: This die was found by Louis Schaeffer.