1983P – 1DEO; 011 – 020 Files


1983-1DEO-011T                                       330°

DESCRIPTION: Faint trail liners are seen on the top left corners of the BETY of LIBERTY. Also seen are trail lines from the TRS on TRUST. The offset direction is 330 degrees. While this die is similar to 1983P-1DEO-001T, the die markers are different.

DIE MARKEERS: Stage “B”, obverse is MDS – die damage is seen above the left top corner of the T in LIBERTY.

Reverse is MDS – a die crack from the right base line is seen entering into the rim.


1983-1DEO-012T                                        180°

DESCRIPTION: Moderate trail lines are seen from the bottom of the letters in LIBERTY. Also seen are trail lines from the digits in the date. The offset direction is 180 degrees.

DIE MARKERS: Stage “B”, obverse is MDS – none noted.

Reverse is MDS – none noted.

NOTE: This die was found by Adam Conner.


1983P-1DEO-013T                                    060°

DESCRIPTION: Sharp trail lines are seen from the E of WE and the TUST of TRUST. Very Faint trail lines are seen from the 9 and 8 digit of the date. The offset direction is 060 degrees.

DIE MARKERS: Stage “B”, obverse is MDS – none noted.

Reverse is MDS – die cracks are seen from both the left and right corners of the Memorial building base.

NOTE: This die was found by Louis Schaeffer.


1983P-1DEO-014T                            350°

DESCRIPTION: Trail lines are seen from the word LIBERTY as ramped extra thickness. Hidden in the extra thickness are trail lines with an offset direction of 350º. Also seen are faint trail lines in the same direction from the G and D of GOD.

DIE MARKERS: Stage “C“, obverse is LDS – a small die dot is seen under the RU of TRUST. A die gouge is seen to the right of the B in LIBERTY.

Reverse is LDS – a small die dot is seen below the AM of AMERICA. A die gouge is seen in the lower, inner loop of the C in AMERICA.

NOTE: This die was found by John Rosenberg.


1983P-1DEO-015T                            190°


Description: Trail lines are seen from the bottom of the word LIBERTY. The offset direction is 190°


Die Markers: Obverse is LDS – Three die scratches are seen in the field below LIBERTY.

Reverse is LDS – none noted.

Note: This die was found by Earl Williams .

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