1987P – 1DER; 001 – 010 Files
1987P-1DER-001WS 180°
DESCRIPTION: Light step deviation under columns 6, 7 and 8.
DIE MARKERS: Stage “C”, obverse is LDS – die scratches, east to west, under WE.
Reverse is LDS, – die scratches, east to west, under Memorial building. Die clash under the left base of the Memorial building. Die crack, left base tip to rim. Heavy die scratches above the right Memorial building base.
1987P-1DER-002WS 180º
DESCRIPTION: Moderate step deviation under columns 5, 6, 7 and 8, with an offset direction of 180 degrees and emphasis on the left side.
DIE MARKERS: Stage “B”, obverse is MDS – die gouge in the upper loop of 9 in the DATE.
Reverse is MDS– die gouge under the right base of the Memorial building.
1987P-1DER-003WS 180º
DESCRIPTION: Moderate fluting line extension, into the stylobate, under column # 3. Light step deviation under columns 5, 6 and 7, with an offset direction of 180 degrees.
DIE MARKERS: Stage “B”, obverse is MDS – diagonal die scratches through date.
Reverse is MDS – heavy die scratches through ONE and CENT and under right base .
1987P-1DER-004WS 180º
DESCRIPTION: Moderate step deviation, with an offset angle of 180 degrees, under columns 5 thru 8.
DIE MARKERS: Stage “B”, obverse is MDS – none observed
Reverse is MDS – diagonal die scratches through ONE. Heavy die scratching through the T of CENT.
1987P-1DER-005WS 180º
DESCRIPTION: Moderate step deviation is seen under columns 5, 6, 7 and 8. This die was found by Louis Schaeffer of Maryland
Reverse is MDS – small die dot next to the right side of the T in CENT.
1987P-1DER-006T 350°
DESCRIPTION: Trails are seen from the top left corners of MER in AMERICA. The offset direction is 350 degrees. This die was found by Louis Schaeffer of Maryland.
DIE MARKERS: Stage “A”, obverse is VLDS – heavy metal flow lines near the rim. Small die gouge is seen below the word IN.
Reverse is EDS. Die crack in the upper part of bay # 2. Die crack on the upper part of column # 3.
1987P-1DER-007WS 180º
DESCRIPTION: Moderate step deviation is seen under columns 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9. This file was found by Louis Schaeffer of Maryland.
DIE MARKERS: Stage “B”, obverse is EMDS – two die dents by the first T in TRUST.
Reverse is EMDS – two small die dots over the O in ONE.
1987P-1DER-008WS 170º
DESCRIPTION: Moderate step deviation is seen under columns 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8. The offset direction is 170 degrees. This die was found by Louis Schaeffer of Maryland
DIE MARKERS: Stage “B”, obverse is MDS – none noted.
Reverse is MDS – curved die scratch under the C of AMERICA. Small die gouge to the left of the T in CENT.
1987P-1DER-009T 000º
DESCRIPTION: Trail lines are seen on the E of UNITED, the left corner cornice, the TATES of STATES, the word OF, the ME of AMERICA and some of the letters in EPU. The coin has been struck with a LDS die and the overall appearance of the lines is mushy at best. An earlier die state of this trail die may show more and stronger lines form the affected design elements. The offset direction is 000 degrees. This die was found by Louis Schaeffer of Maryland.
DIE MARKERS: Stage “C”, obverse is LDS – small die dots under the 9, between the 8 and 7 and over the 8 of the date.
Reverse is LDS – two small die dots between column # 12 and the last A in AMERICA.
Stage “D”, obverse is VLDS – horizontal die scratching is seen on the obverse.
Reverse is VLDS – vertical die scratching is seen, especially in bays 1, 2 and 3.
1987P-1DER-010WS 180º
DESCRIPTION: Very light step deviation under columns 5, 6, 7 and 8, with emphasis on the left side. This die was found by Louis Schaeffer of Maryland.
DIE MARKERS: Stage “B”, obverse is MDS – heavy die scratching through the first part of LIBERTY. Diagonal die scratching through the date.
Reverse is MDS – none noted.