1996P – 1DER; 031 – 040 Files

1996P-1DER-031T                                      330°

DESCRIPTION: light to moderate trail Ines are seen on the ATES of STATES, the interior letters of the EPU and the MER of AMERICA. The offset direction of these trail lines is 330 degrees.

DIE MARKERS: Stage “C”, obverse is LDS – none noted.

Reverse is LDS – a die crack with a die chip is seen from the U into the N of UNUM. There is heavy die scratching seen below the left base line and above ONE.

NOTE: This die was found by Joe Koelling.


1996P-1DER-032T                         090°, 270°

DESCRIPTION: Moderate trail lines are seen the M of UNUM and the last period in the EPU, all the letters of AMERICA, the letters in CENT and the designer’s initials. While it is not that obvious, this is a dual directional trail die with two trails seen on the bottom corners of the M in AMERICA. As with most dual directional trail dies, this one has a reciprocal bearing with the offset directions being 090 and 270 degrees.

DIE MARKERS: Stage “B”, obverse is MDS – a small die gouge is seen in the field below the ER of LIBERTY.

Reverse is MDS – none noted.

NOTE: This die was found by Michael Pope of Illinois.


1996P-1DER-033T                                     330°

DESCRIPTION: Moderate trial lines are seen from the word STATES, the EPU the left corners of the roof and cornice and the scrolling on the left side of the cornice and the tops of the left side columns.  The offset direction is 330 degrees

DIE MARKERS: Stage “C”, obverse is LDS – a die crack is seen on Lincoln’s nose.

Reverse is LDS – a die gouge is seen above the designer’s initials. Die clashes are seen in bays 4 and 9.

NOTE: This die was found by Jason Dick.


1996P-1DER-034T                                   330°

DESCRIPTION: Trail lines are seen from the top left corners of the letters in the EPU. Also seen are trails from the TATE of STATES and the ER of AMERICA. The offset direction is 330 degrees.

DIE MARKERS: Stage “B”, obverse is MDS – none noted.

Reverse is MDS – old die gouges are seen just above and to the left of the left corner of the stylobate. Another die gouge is seen just below the left corner of the base line.

NOTE: This die was found by Jeremy Gardner.


1996P-1DER-035T                                      060°

DESCRIPTION:  Light trail lines can be seen from the top right corners of the EPU. The offset direction is 060 degrees.

DIE MARKERS: Stage “B”, obverse is MDS – small die dotes can be seen around the two nine digits of the date.

Reverse is MDS – a small die gouge can be seen over the S of PLURIBUS.

NOTE: This die was found by Michael Pope.


1996P-1DER-036T                                         330°

DESCRIPTION: Trail lines and letter distortion is seen on the tops of the letters in the EPU. Trail lines are also seen on the S, A and E of STATES and the MER of AMERICA. The offset direction is 330 degrees. This die is similar in nature to other dies from these years that have an offset direction of 330 degrees; use the die markers for correction identification of this die and others that are similar.

DIE MARKERS: Stage “C”, obverse is LDS – horizontal die scratching is seen through LIBERTY and the date.

Reverse is LDS – heavy die scratches are seen in the bottom of bays 2 and 3. Horizontal die scratching is seen below the Memorial building base with the heaviest seen through the ON of ONE and the T of CENT.

Stage “D”, obverse is EDS – obverse die has been changed. A die dot is seen in the field below the R of LIBERTY. A die scratch is seen on the lower left side of the 6 digit in the date.

Reverse is VLDS – same as the LDS stage.


1996P-1DER-037WS                                190°

DESCRIPTION: Moderate step deviation is seen under columns 5, 6, 7 and 8. The offset direction is 190 degrees.

DIE MARKERS: Stage “B”, obverse is MDS – none noted.

Reverse is MDS – die damage is seen in and around the right side shrubs on the Memorial building base. A teardrop shaped die dent is seen under the left Memorial building base. Small die dots are seen in the lower portion of bay 2. A small die dot is seen to the right of the P in PLURIBUS.


1996P-1DER-038T                                   330°

DESCRIPTION: Moderate trail lines are seen on the ATES of STATES, the top left corners of the letters in the EPU and the ER of AMERICA. Notice the sharpness of the trail lines from the letters ER. The offset direction is 330 degrees.

DIE MARKERS: Stage “C”, obverse is LDS – none noted.

Reverse is LDS – a die gouge is seen to the left of the M in AMERICA. Another small die gouge is seen on the left side of the I in AMERICA. There is a retained die break between the U and N of UNUM. There e is a die chip on the left upper part of column 3.


1996P-1DER-039WST                                    180°

DESCRIPTION: Trail lines are seen in the stylobate under columns 10, 11 and 12, with step deviation seen under columns 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8. Also seen are trail lies from the left corners of the NT of CENT

DIE MARKERS: Stage “B “, obverse is MDS – none noted

Reverse is MDS – a die gouge is seen over the first T in STATES. Clash marks are seen in bays 2 and 3.

NOTE: This die was found by Jason Dick.


1996P-1DER-040T                               080°, 120°

DESCRIPTION: This is a dual directional trail die with trail lines seen from the words ONE CENT. The offset direction is 120º and 080º.

DIE MARKERS: Stage “D“, obverse is VLDS – a small die gouge is seen by the leg of the G in GOD

Reverse is VLDS – small die gouges are seen under the R and C of AMERICA and around the T of CENT.

NOTE: This die was found by Tanaka Davis.

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