2000 – 2020P; 5DEO Files (Nickels)

2003P-5DEO-001T                                        000°

DESCRIPTION: Light trail lines are seen from the left top corners of IN and the D of GOD. The offset direction is 000°.

DIE MARKERS: Stage “C “, obverse is LDS – a die dot is seen to the left of the W in the word WE.

Reverse is LDS – a die dot is seen to the right of the A in STATES.

NOTE: This die was found by Tanaka Davis.


2003P-5DEO-002T                          000° & 180°

DESCRIPTION: Light trail lines are seen on the word IN and the word LIBERTY. The offset direction for the trails on IN is 180º, while the trail direction on LIBERTY is 000º.

DIE MARKERS: Stage “B“, obverse is MDS – none noted

Reverse is MDS – a small die gouge is seen just under the left arm of the second T in STATES.

NOTE: This die was found by Tanaka Davis.


2003P-5DEO-003T                        000°

DESCRIPTION: Trail lines are seen from the BERT of LIBERTY. The offset direction is 000°.

DIE MARKERS: Stage “B“, obverse is MDS – none noted

Reverse is MDS – a small die dot is seen on the P of PLURIBUS.

NOTE: This die was found by Tanaka Davis.


2004P-5DEO-001T(HS)                               000°

DESCRIPTION: Light trail lines are seen from the left top corners of the BER in LIBERTY. The offset direction is 000°.

DIE MARKERS: Stage “C “, obverse is LDS – a small die gouge is seen behind the lobe of Jefferson’s nostril.

Reverse is LDS – a small die dent is seen in the U of UNITED.

NOTE: This die was found by Tanaka Davis.


2004P-5DEO-002T(HS)                   000°

DESCRIPTION: Trail lines are seen from the ERT of LIBERTY. The offset direction is 000°.

NOTE: This die was found by Tanaka Davis.


2004P-5DEO-003T(HS)                              000°

DESCRIPTION: Trail lines are seen from the top left serifs of LIBER of LIBERTY. The offset direction is 000°.

DIE MARKERS: Stage “B“, obverse is MDS – a small die gouge is seen to the left of the W in WE.

Reverse is MDS – two small die gouges are seen in and around the OU of LOUISIANA.

NOTE: This die was found by Bear Johnson.


2004P-5DEO-001T(KB)                               000°

DESCRIPTION: Trail lines are seen from the BER of LIBERTY. The offset direction is 000°.

DIE MARKERS: Stage “B “, obverse is MDS – a small die dot is seen to the right of Jefferson’s lower lip.

Reverse is MDS – small die gouges are seen in between the UN of UNITED.

NOTE: This die was found by Tanaka Davis.


2004P-5DEO-002T(KB)                 330°

DESCRIPTION: Trail lines are seen from the top IN G of IN GOD.

The offset direction is 330°.

DIE MARKERS: Stage “B“, obverse is EMDS – die scratches appear under the chin. Reverse is EMDS – die chip in A of CLARK, chip developing in K                                Stage “C”, obverse is MDS – same as EMDS Reverse is MDS – die chip in R of CLARK

NOTE: This die was found by Bear Johnson.


2004P-5DEO-003T(KB)                 325°

DESCRIPTION: Trail lines are seen from the top corners of LIB in LIBERTY. The offset direction is 325°.

DIE MARKERS: Stage “B“, obverse is MDS – diagonal die scratches through IN.

Reverse is MDS – die scratches through CLARK and CENTS

NOTE: This die was found by Bear Johnson.


2005P(OIV)-5DEO-001                  120° & 300°

DESCRIPTION: This is a minor, dual directional trail die. The two set of trails are reciprocal to each other with offset directions of 300° and 120°.

DIE MARKERS: Stage “A “, obverse is EDS – none noted

Reverse is EDS – die scratching is seen around the RK of CLARK and the 1805 date.

NOTE: This die was found by Tanaka Davis.


2005P-5DEO-001T (Bison)                    180°

DESCRIPTION: Light trail lines are seen on the word IN and the D of GOD. The offset direction is 180º.

DIE MARKERS: Stage “B “, obverse is MDS – die scratches are seen from Jefferson’s upper lip to the bottom of his nose.

Reverse is MDS – a small die gouge is sen just to the right of the second T in STATES.

NOTE: This die was found by Tanaka Davis.


2006P-5DEO-001T                                        060°

DESCRIPTION: Trail lines are seen from the tops of the letters in LIBERTY. The offset direction is 060°.

DIE MARKERS: Stage “B “, obverse is MDS – die dots are seen below and in between the E of WE and the first T of TRUST and the OD of GOD.

Reverse is MDS – another die dot is seen in between and below the C and E of MONTICELLO.

NOTE: This die was found by Tanaka Davis.


2006P-5DEO-002T                                       040°

DESCRIPTION:  Faint trail lines are seen from the tops of the letters in LIBERTY and RUT of TRUST. The offset direction is 040°.

DIE MARKERS: Stage “B “, obverse is MDS – none noted

Reverse is MDS – a die dot is seen above and to the left of the E in MONTICELLO. A die dot is seen in between the window and the arch on the right side of MONTICELLO.

NOTE: This die was found by Tanaka Davis.


2006P-5DEO-003T                                   350°

DESCRIPTION: Light trail lines are seen on the word WE and the TR of TRUST. The offset direction is 350º.

DIE MARKERS: Stage “B “, obverse is MDS – a die gouge is seen in the field under the 2 digit of the date.

Reverse is MDS – numerous, small die gouges are seen in and around the word FIVE.

NOTE: This die was found by Tanaka Davis.


2010P-5DER-001T                                         030°

DESCRIPTION: Trail lines are seen from the letters LUR and I of PLURIBUS. The offset direction is 030°.

DIE MARKERS: Stage “B “, obverse is MDS – die scratches are seen above the LIB of LIBERTY

Reverse is MDS – a die gouge is seen above the E of EPU.

NOTE: This die was found by Tanaka Davis.


2011P-5DEO-001T                                         230º

DESCRIPTION: Trail lines are seen from the bottom of the letters in LIBERTY and the date. The offset direction is 230°.

DIE MARKERS: Stage “B“, obverse is MDS – a small die dot is seen below Jefferson’s right eye.

Reverse is MDS – small die dots are seen in and around the word FIVE.

NOTE: This die was found by Tanaka Davis.



2011P-5DEO-002T                                    180°

DESCRIPTION: Trail lines are seen from the E in WE and the word TRUST. The offset direction is 180º.


DIE MARKERS: Stage “C“, obverse is LDS – a small die gouge is seen in the top of Jefferson’s hair.

Reverse is LDS – many small die dots are encountered on the left side of the reverse die.

NOTE: This die was found by Tanaka (Mikee) Davis


2012P-5DEO-001T                                            270°

DESCRIPTION: Trail lines are seen from the L of LIBERTY, the first three digits of the date and the mintmark. The offset direction is 270º. This die is coupled with a reverse trail die, 2012P-5DER-006T

DIE MARKERS: Stage “C“, obverse is LDS – a small die break is seen on the top of the S of TRUST

Reverse is LDS – a die gouge is seen above the E in UNITED.

NOTE: This die was found by Tanaka (Mikee) Davis


2012P-5DEO-002T                                         270°

DESCRIPTION: Trail lines are seen from the word IN, the date and the mintmark. The offset direction is 270º.

DIE MARKERS: Stage “C“, obverse is LDS – a die gouge is seen between the 1 and 2 digits of the date.

Reverse is LDS – die chips are seen in the last O of MONTICELLO and the S of CENTS.

NOTE: This die was found by Tanaka (Mikee) Davis.


2013P-5DEO-001T                                        120°

IMG_5174 copy

DESCRIPTION: Light trail lines are seen from the word WE. The offset direction is 120°.

DIE MARKERS: Stage “A“, obverse is EDS – none noted

Reverse is EDS – none noted (dimples are present on the lettering).

NOTE: This die was found by Michael Taylor.