2013P 1DEO – 001 – 010

2013P-1DEO-001T   180°           

DESCRIPTION: Trail lines are seen from the bottom of the letters in LIBERTY. The offset direction is 180º.


DIE MARKERS: Stage “B“, obverse is MDS – a die crack is seen in Lincoln’s forehead.

Reverse is MDS – a die crack with die chip is seen on the upper left edge of the shield.

NOTE: This die was found by Joe Koelling.


2013P-1DEO-002T          025°



DESCRIPTION:  Trail lines can be seen on the date, and on the Y of LIBERTY.  The offset direction is approximately 25 degrees.



DIE MARKERS:  Stage ‘A’ – Obverse is EDS – Light NW-SE die scratches in fron of the                                                           lips, chin and neck.

Reverse is EDS – Light die scratches run NE from the top of                                                        the shield.

NOTE:  This die was found by Ronald Traino


2013P-1DEO-003T                                      330°


DESCRIPTION: Trail lines are seen from the letters LIBER in LIBERTY and the S in TRUST. The offset direction is 330º.

DIE MARKERS: Stage “B“, obverse is MDS – none noted

Reverse is MDS – a die crack is seen on the shields upper left edge.

NOTE: This die was found by Joe Koelling.



2012P-1DEO-004T                           170° & 350º

DESCRIPTION: Trail lines are seen from the word LIBERTY with offset directions of 170º and 350º. This die is coupled with 2013P-1DER-001T.


DIE MARKERS: Stage “A“, obverse is EDS – none noted

Reverse is EDS – a small die crack is seen from the top of the C in AMERICA. A light die crack is seen along the top, left edge of the shield.

NOTE: This die was found by Joe Koelling


2013P-1DEO-005T                                        010°

IMG_4912 copy

DESCRIPTION: Trail lines are seen from the digits in the date and the word LIBERTY. The offset direction is 010º.

DIE MARKERS: Stage “B“, obverse is MDS – none noted.

Reverse is MDS – a die chip is seen on the top, left edge of the shield. Another die chip is seen on the lower, left edge of the shield.

NOTE: This die was found by Joe Koelling.


2013P-1DEO-006T                           110°


DESCRIPTION: Trail lines are seen from the word TRUST and the first two digits of the date. The offset direction is 110º.

DIE MARKERS: Stage “B“, obverse is MDS – a large die crack is seen from Lincoln’s brow into his hairline.

Reverse is MDS – none noted.

NOTE: This die was found by Joe Koelling.


2013P-1DEO-007T                          330°

DESCRIPTION: Trail lines are sen from the tops of the letters in LIBERTY. The offset direction is 330º.

DIE MARKERS: Stage “B“, obverse is MDS – a die chip is seen in Lincoln’s forehead.

Reverse is MDS – a die crack is sen in the upper left edge of the shield.

NOTE: This die was found by Joe Koelling.


2013P-1DEO-008T                                        120°

IMG_3844 copy

DESCRIPTION: Trail lines are seen from the digits of the date. Also seen are faint trail lines from Lincoln’s beard. The offset direction is 120°.

DIE MARKERS: Obverse is MDS – none noted.

Reverse is MDS – none noted

NOTE: This die was found by Joe Koelling.


2013P-1DEO-009T                                           190°

IMG_4916 copy

DESCRIPTION: Trail lines are seen from the bottom of the letters in LIBERTY. The offset direction is 190°.

IMG_4915 copy IMG_4913 copyIMG_4914 copy

DIE MARKERS: Stage “C“, obverse is LDS – a small die gouge is seen below the B in VDB.

Reverse is LDS – die damage is seen on the upper left edge of the shield with a die crack traversing down to the letter L in PLURIBUS. Another die crack is seen on the upper right edge of the shield entering into the field from the shield’s crown.


NOTE: This die was found by Joe Koelling.